Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Which HMC is controlling my LPAR?

To figure out which HMC is controlling a particular LPAR.

Login to a LPAR and use either of commads

$ /usr/sbin/rsct/bin/rmcdomainstatus -s ctrmc
I a 0x3b7a655c73b1d930 0001 XX.XX.XX.XX ( Where XX.XX.XX.XX is the IP address of HMC).


$lsrsrc IBM.ManagementServer
Resource Persistent Attributes for IBM.ManagementServer
resource 1:
Name = 'XX.XX.XX.XX"
Hostname = "XX.XX.XX.XX"
ManagerType = "HMC"
LocalHostname = "lparname"
ClusterTM = "9078-160"
ClusterSNum = ""
ActivePeerDomain = ""

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